Friday 6 March 2009

Questionnaire Analysis

The following research was done by Laurel and Sally
We asked 10 people the following questions, here are the responses:

1) What is your favourite genre?

This shows us that Comedy is the most popular genre, with 100% of participants selecting it as one of their favourite genre’s. This was followed by Action and Adventure with 88% selecting it as their favourite. Thriller was the 3rd most popular with 63% selecting it to be there favourite. Western and Romance showed to be the least popular.

2) How often do you watch films?

This shows us that that 75% of participants either watched films everyday or 1-3 times a week. No participants watched films fortnightly, monthly or never

3) How do you watch unreleased films?

This shows us that 88% of people watched new released films in the cinema, proving it to be the most popular. 0% watches unreleased films through Pirate DVD’s.

4) Do you enjoy thriller films?
This shows us that 100% of our participants enjoy Thriller films. This furthermore suggests a wider range of answers for the next questions, in comparison to participants who might have answered no and have not seen a range of different thriller films.

5) Which thriller genre is your favourite?
These results show a mixture of favourite different genre’s of thriller, specifically between Action, Horror and Psychological. However, psychological showed to be the most popular.

6) What is it that you enjoy about thriller films?
The most common responses were along the lines of:
“They make you jump”
“They keep you on the edge of your seat”
“They keep you focused throughout and keep you in suspense”
“You never know what is going to happen next”
“There fast paced”
These results help to suggest to us what we need to include gaining the interest of our viewer. It suggests that to make our thriller film successful, we will need to use techniques such as matching sound effects with connotations of fear with the action of the film. We also need to ensure our film stays fast paced and we are aware that the scenes need to stay at a necessary pace instead of dragging them along at a slow speed.
7) What do you expect to find in a thriller film?
40% of our responses were nothing.
Other responses were along the lines of:
“Stories that involve some sort of stalker or characters that you don’t see till the end”“I would expect to find a very good story line with the psycho, characters etc.”
These comments just furthermore suggest to us that we need to keep suspense, particularly with characters.

8) What is your favourite thriller and why?
Responses were alone the lines of:
“Donnie Darko – It’s a crazy messed up film that twists the idea of god”
“Speed – it’s exciting”
“The others because the whole way through you are thinking someone is going to kill the main characters. I also like the twist at the end.”
“Signs. The storyline is based around one family which is like any other. It is a sci-fi thriller which storyline features a whole country and lots of different characters”
This could help to give us inspiration as to what our target audience are looking for and interested in and hope to see in a thriller film.

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